Your worth shouldn't be defined by your achievements

Discover why your true value goes beyond accomplishments

In Episode 40, here's what's on the agenda:

💡 Insight: You are worthy regardless of what you achieve

📰 Unpopular Opinion: Accomplishing more wont make you happy.

🧰 Expert Interview: How to actually be productive with Israa Nasir

✨Food For Thought: 5 Reasons why your worth isn't defined by achievements


It’s great to have goals and want to achieve things, but it’s not a good idea to base your entire self-worth on those achievements.

Think about it.

Photo by Catalin Pop on Unsplash

Success is often influenced by things you can’t control, and tying your value to it makes you vulnerable to feeling bad whenever things don’t go as planned.

Plus, the happiness from achievements is usually short-lived, and you might find yourself constantly chasing the next big thing just to feel good about yourself.

Instead, try to focus on your personal qualities like kindness and honesty, and value the effort you put into growing and learning.

That way, you’ll have a stronger, more stable sense of self-worth that isn’t easily shaken by failures.

Balancing your desire to achieve with recognizing your inherent value will lead to a more fulfilling life.

Unpopular Opinion

Accomplishing more wont make you happy.

Ever find yourself thinking that once you achieve something significant, everything will fall into place?

You set these big goals like landing a promotion or getting through a busy period, believing they'll be the key to happiness and peace.

Photo by Kevin Ku on Unsplash

But what happens when you finally reach those milestones and things don't change as much as you expected?

That's the "arrival fallacy" in action.

Despite achieving what you thought would solve your problems, you're still dealing with stress and overwhelm.

It's like the happiness you were chasing is just out of reach, leaving you wondering what went wrong.

So why does achieving more sometimes fail to make us happy, and what can we do about it?

Let's dive deeper into this phenomenon and explore ways to find true happiness and fulfillment, even amidst our pursuit of success.

Expert Interview

How to actually be productive with Israa Nasir

In this episode, Ali Abdaal delves into one of the most commonly asked questions he receives: how to improve focus.

Whether you're a student striving for academic success, a creator working on a passion project, a professional managing a busy workload, or an entrepreneur building a business, the ability to focus is invaluable.

Ali shares his insights into the top 5 mistakes people make that hinder their focus and productivity. By addressing these mistakes, he explains how we can achieve better focus and, consequently, lead a more fulfilling and productive life.

Food For Thought:

5 Reasons why your worth isn't defined by achievements

  1. Intrinsic Value: You're valuable just for being you, not just for what you've done.

  2. Personal Growth: Learning and growing matter, even if they don't lead to big achievements.

  3. Resilience: Bouncing back from failures shows your worth, not just your successes.

  4. Uniqueness: Your unique traits make you valuable, not just your accomplishments.

  5. Happiness and Fulfillment: Real happiness comes from life experiences, not just achievements.

Closing Thoughts: 

Your true value goes beyond just your achievements.

It’s about who you are as a person, your unique qualities and learn from every experience, whether it’s a success or a setback.

Achievements are milestones, not the full measure of your worth.

Renowned psychologists emphasize that self-worth should be rooted in your intrinsic qualities rather than external accomplishments.

Dr. Brené Brown, for example, highlights the importance of vulnerability and authenticity in understanding our true value. By focusing on personal growth, relationships, and internal happiness, we build a more resilient and fulfilling sense of self-worth.

Achievements are wonderful, but they’re just a part of your broader, richer identity.

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That's it for this week's edition.

We'll be back in your inbox next week with more curated content on the future of work.

Best regards,

Faiza Yousuf