Remote working is redefining the future of work

It is not just a trend. It's a transformative force shaping the future landscape of our professional lives.

In Episode 27, here's what's on the agenda:

💡 Insight: The future of work is now!

📰 Unpopular Opinion: Stick to the office if you can't give it your best.

🧰 Expert Interview: Is Remote Work Better Than Being in the Office? It's Complicated | Mark Mortensen | TED

✨Food For Thought: 10 reasons why you should let your team work remotely


Managers often express common concerns when contemplating the idea of allowing employees to work remotely.

Questions such as "How can I ensure they're working?"


"Won't this set a precedent?"

Reflect valid apprehensions, especially from managers invested in their team's success and company culture.

However, research, both qualitative and quantitative, has consistently shown that these concerns may not be well-founded.

Studies reveal that businesses adopting remote work policies often experience increased productivity, efficiency, and overall job satisfaction among their employees.

Embracing a remote employee or transitioning to an entirely remote team marks the initial step in aligning with the future of work.

Contrary to disrupting company culture, this shift can have positive impacts on the future of the business.

Unpopular Opinion

Stick to the office if you can't give it your best

Considering remote work isn't a one-size-fits-all solution.

It demands careful evaluation of structural and cultural aspects.

Structural obstacles, like job nature or lacking resources, can be tackled, but cultural shifts are trickier.

Leadership may struggle with trust and adapting to a new mindset.

Overcoming these challenges requires dedication, performance metrics, coaching, and training.

Moreover, accommodating growth and navigating different time zones are additional hurdles.

Hiring talent from diverse locations sounds appealing, but understanding varied employment laws becomes crucial.

Remote work demands a revamped approach, from creating new processes to rethinking meetings and fostering organizational agility.

It's not a mere laptop handover, it's a substantial shift that demands imagination, emotional intelligence, commitment, and perseverance.

If you lack the bandwidth for a well-thought-out execution, sticking to the office might be the wiser choice.

Expert Interview:

Is Remote Work Better Than Being in the Office? It's Complicated | Mark Mortensen | TED

In the ongoing debate about remote work, opinions are diverse and sometimes conflicting.

Mark Mortensen, an expert in organizational design, explores the intricacies of this debate.

He highlights three critical conversation topics that workplaces should thoroughly delve into as people reshape their approach to work.

As the dynamics of work undergo significant changes, understanding and addressing these key discussions becomes essential for organizations aiming to navigate the evolving professional landscape effectively.

Food For Thought:

10 reasons why you should let your team work remotely

  1. Boosted productivity and efficiency.

  2. Lowered overhead costs.

  3. Expanded talent pool access.

  4. Enhanced employee satisfaction and retention.

  5. Adaptability to changing work dynamics.

  6. Attraction of diverse talent.

  7. Reduced stress from commuting.

  8. Improved business resilience.

  9. Global collaboration opportunities.

  10. Positive environmental impact.

Closing Thoughts: 

When it comes to remote work, the benefits far outweigh the potential complications.

Remote employees are not only more productive, they are also better equipped for independence and professional growth, motivated to produce high-quality work and remain efficient with their time, and more likely to stay at your company for a significant period of time.

Allowing your employees to work remotely will push them to thrive, and, subsequently, push your business to thrive as well.

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That's it for this week's edition.

We'll be back in your inbox next week with more curated content on the future of work.

Best regards,

Hira Saeed