Fast-track your skills with Microlearning

The future work world is all about being quick and adaptable, and microlearning is like the trailblazer of learning methods.

In Episode 26, here's what's on the agenda:

💡 Insight: Stay ahead with Bite-Sized learning in the digital era!

📰 Unpopular Opinion: Full courses and accelerators aren't always necessary to get ahead

🧰 Expert Interview: 6 secrets to learning faster, backed by neuroscience | Lila Landowski

✨Food For Thought: Top 7 Benefits of Microlearning


Learning new skills and diving into a new subject, especially with lengthy courses, can be daunting.

Many of us have experienced that overwhelming feeling with so much already on our plates.

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

That's why I've shifted my focus to microlearning.

It's about incorporating learning into my daily routine, whether it's listening to a podcast episode while running, reading a self-help book before bed, or watching informative videos on my way to a friend's house.

It's a more manageable and flexible approach that aligns with the pace of my life.

Microlearning is my intentional game plan.

It's understanding that success isn't about doing everything at once but making consistent, smart moves.

It's about staying sharp, staying relevant, and doing it in a way that feels achievable and practical.

Unpopular Opinion

Full courses and accelerators aren't always necessary to get ahead

Microlearning is your ultimate shortcut to becoming a pro without the long, boring stuff.

Here's a simple guide:

  1. Identify Your Goal:

    • Figure out what you want to learn or improve. It could be a new skill for work, a hobby, or just something you're curious about.

  2. Break it Down:

    • Divide your learning goal into smaller parts. Think of them as bite-sized pieces that you can tackle one at a time.

  3. Find Microlearning Resources:

    • Look for short lessons, videos, or quizzes related to each part of your goal. Platforms like online courses, YouTube, or specialized apps are great for this.

  4. Set a Schedule:

    • Dedicate a few minutes each day or week to your microlearning. Consistency is key, and short sessions make it easy to fit into your routine.

  5. Stay Curious:

    • Explore different resources and topics. The beauty of microlearning is the variety, so keep it interesting and relevant to your interests.

  6. Reflect and Apply:

    • After each microlearning session, take a moment to reflect. How does it apply to your goal? Can you use what you've learned in real life or work?

  7. Share and Discuss:

    • Share your microlearning journey with others. Discussing what you've learned can reinforce your understanding and make the process more enjoyable.

Remember, the key is to keep it enjoyable and tailored to your needs.

Expert Interview:

6 secrets to learning faster, backed by neuroscience | Lila Landowski

In this insightful episode, Dr. Lila Landowski unveils the keys to effective learning, all grounded in the principles of neuroscience.

As a highly acclaimed neuroscientist and lecturer, Dr. Landowski not only shares valuable insights into how our brains function but also delves into practical methods that can enhance our learning speed.

With her expertise, she empowers individuals with a profound understanding of their brain's mechanisms, enabling them to make informed decisions that positively impact their lives.

Tune in as Dr. Lila Landowski unravels the mysteries of accelerated learning and equips you with the knowledge to navigate your cognitive journey more efficiently.

Food For Thought:

Top 7 Benefits of Microlearning

  1. Time Saver: Microlearning is like a quick learning shot – no time wasted, just the good stuff.

  2. Precision Learning: Get straight to the point. Learn exactly what you need without drowning in details.

  3. Instant Use: Learn today, use it tomorrow. Microlearning is your fast-track to practical knowledge.

  4. Remember Better: Small doses, big impact. Remember what you learn without the brain overload.

  5. Learn Anywhere: Break free from the classroom. Microlearning is your learning buddy, accessible wherever you are.

  6. Fun Learning: Mix it up! Videos, quizzes – learning that's not just useful but enjoyable.

  7. Keep Growing: It's not a one-time thing. Microlearning is your constant companion for staying sharp and growing always.

Closing Thoughts: 

Imagine your brain is a hungry adventurer, and microlearning is like a snack-sized buffet.

Grabbing those quick bites of knowledge isn't just about saving time. It's like opening doors to a bunch of cool opportunities.

Instead of slogging through heavy courses, you're picking up quick, useful nuggets.

Each tiny lesson is like a little key, unlocking doors to new skills and chances you might not even know exist.

Happy microlearning!

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That's it for this week's edition.

We'll be back in your inbox next week with more curated content on the future of work.

Best regards,

Hira Saeed