Brand storytelling goes beyond traditional storytelling

Discover how brand storytelling transforms narratives into powerful connections.

In Episode 42, here's what's on the agenda:

💡 Insight: Brand storytelling isn't just about talking

📰 Unpopular Opinion: Most brands can't balance storytelling and ethics

🧰 Learn From The Expert: Designing for a better future with creativity

✨Food For Thought: 5 reasons you need a brand story for your business


Imagine your favorite brand as a person.

Traditional storytelling might be like telling a story about that person. Where they come from and what they've done.

But brand storytelling, on the other hand, is like showing how that person's values and personality shine through everything they do and say.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

When a brand tells its story well, it's not just advertising. It's creating a connection.

It's about making customers feel like they understand and believe in what the brand stands for. This connection can make people choose that brand over others because they trust it and feel a part of its story.

If a brand doesn't tell its story effectively, it can feel like just another product on the shelf. Customers might not feel connected or interested, and they could easily go to a brand that does make them feel valued and understood.

Basically, brand storytelling isn't just about talking. It's about showing who you are and why you matter in a way that really connects with people.

Unpopular Opinion

Most brands can't balance storytelling and ethics

When brands prioritize storytelling over ethics, it can lead to serious consequences.

See, when a brand with an amazing story convinces you to buy their product, and later, you discover that the story was exaggerated or misleading. It leaves you feeling disappointed and cheated. Doesn’t it?

Brands sometimes exploit sensitive issues just to boost sales. This can offend people and damage the brand's reputation in the long run.

Building a brand on unethical practices isn't sustainable.

Customers today value transparency and ethical behavior. When brands ignore these values, they risk losing customer loyalty and market trust over time.

Misleading stories can also lead to legal trouble, such as false advertising claims or regulatory scrutiny. This can be costly and damaging to a brand's reputation.

Moreover, brands have a powerful influence on society.

When they prioritize profit over ethical considerations, they can perpetuate harmful stereotypes or contribute to social problems.

Brands that neglect ethics risk losing trust, damaging their reputation, and missing out on opportunities for sustainable growth.

Learn From The Expert

Designing for a better future with creativity - Kevin Bethune

Kevin Bethune, who wrote "Reimagining Design," is the creative mind behind dreams • design + life, a think tank that uses a human-centered approach to deliver design and innovation services.

In this episode, he talks about why focusing on people is so important for solving business problems and how too much emphasis on numbers and speed can actually hurt innovation.

He also chats about the role of AI in marketing and why creativity, storytelling, and truly understanding what consumers want are things that just can't be replaced.

Follow his journey here.

Food For Thought:

5 reasons you need a brand story for your business

  1. Stories stick with people because they touch emotions and stay in memory, shaping how we feel about brands.

  2. People prefer buying from brands that share their values. It makes them trust and support those brands more.

  3. Connecting with customers and understanding them keeps them coming back. It's like building friendships that last.

  4. With so many choices available, a clear brand story helps customers feel confident about choosing your product or service over others.

  5. Influencers like to promote brands that resonate with their values and stories. When they understand and connect with your brand story, they're more likely to share it with their followers, boosting your brand's visibility and credibility.

Closing Thoughts: 

Brand storytelling, when done right, has the power to deeply resonate with audiences, forging lasting connections that transcend mere transactions.

A perfect example of this is Patagonia's commitment to environmental sustainability. Through their compelling storytelling, Patagonia not only promotes their products but also educates and inspires consumers to engage in environmental activism.

Their narrative authenticity and consistent actions demonstrate how brand storytelling can align with ethical values, driving meaningful impact and fostering loyal communities.

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That's it for this week's edition.

We'll be back in your inbox next week with more curated content on the future of work.

Best regards,

Mahum Hamza

Marketing Executive